Our Mission
The MWABB Foundation is a nonprofit working to develop the foundation for a better tomorrow, by closing opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect students from low-income and underfunded school districts. We advocate for fully funded, safe, and healthy public schools to provide students with an equitable and quality education. Through our research and advocacy, the MWABB Foundation supports efforts that expand excellence and equity in education from preschool through college, increase college access and completion particularly for historically underserved students, engage diverse communities dedicated to education equity, and increase political and public will to act on equity issues.
Our Core Beliefs
• We believe in the power of education to close the gaps that separate students from low-income backgrounds and students of underfunded school districts from other young Americans.
• We believe schools and colleges, appropriately funded and proper resources, can help virtually all students master the knowledge they need to succeed.
• We believe long-standing gaps in opportunity, achievement, and attainment have roots inside and outside of schools. And though we know these gaps are stubborn, we also know they are not inevitable.
• We believe a strong education improves the lives of young people, is vital to sustaining our democracy, and strengthens America.